IEEE Community | Sağlık Kültür ve Spor Müdürlüğü| Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


IEEE Community


The expansion of IEEE is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Since its establishment, the new expansion of IEEE, which has changed from being aimed at electrical and electronic engineers to all engineering and, in the following period, appealing to positive sciences and everyone interested in technology, has been changed to Institute of Engineers and Everyone Else. its directional structure is emphasized.

Although IEEE is seen as the largest technological community in 150 countries with more than 365,000 members (70,000 students), it continues to work with 10 sub-regions spread all over the world, more than 300 local regions and more than 1430 student branches. It has 26,000 members, 5,000 of which are students. IEEE is also a leading role in the advancement of technology.


There are about seventy universities within IEEE Turkey. IEEE Turkey student branches come together every year at the IEEE Turkey Presidents’ Congress and the IEEE Turkey Student Branch Congress.

IEEE assists students and academics as well as organizing seminars, conferences, career development activities throughout the year in order to help students and academicians to easily access up-to-date information in business life. It owns a large percentage of all publications in its field.

IEEE, which has become a community that grows from generation to generation with its engineering approach, technical knowledge transfer, education and experience sharing, as well as providing students with a vision and career opportunity, has become a community that every student interested in technology should have. Thanks to competitions such as robots, photographs, projects and various social activities, it enables them to complete their stressful education years in an equipped and fun manner.

Mission and Vision

The mission of IEEE is to strengthen the processes of creating, developing, sharing and applying knowledge in electronics and information technologies and sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession. HKU IEEE Club embraces this mission. IEEE is a global official organization. There are many seminars, congresses and competitions held by IEEE in the country and in other countries of the world. Many papers published in the field of engineering are audited by IEEE standards and written according to IEEE Standard article and abstract writing boards.

If we examine the Vision of our Group in items:

Participation: It refers to a structure to which all members can contribute and that does not give too much weight to the vertical hierarchy.

Innovativeness: It means to be in search of an innovation in all activities and projects it does and to add originality to every product it produces.

Equality: It refers to a structure where all volunteers working in the club have equal rights and are respected.

Sharing: It refers to an unselfish understanding of sharing the unearthed products, where all the work done is accessible to all club members and Hasan Kalyoncu University in general.

Transparency: It refers to a structure in which all meetings and interviews are reported, minutes are accessible to club members, no confidentiality is maintained in the creation of corporate documents and execution of corporate agreements.

Volunteering: It refers to a structuring in which all members are involved of their own free will.

Responsibility: It refers to a structuring where all members take responsibility in some way and see itself as a selfless part of a great whole.

Board of Directors

Community Academic Advisor

Fatih Alisinanoglu

Community President

Emre Bağci

Community Vice President

Gökçen Aşik


  • Organizing activities as a community that appeals to all engineering and positive disciplines and anyone interested in technology.
  • To ensure that university students benefit from the opportunities of the world’s largest professional organization, IEEE. To promote the working areas of engineering throughout Turkey.
  • To invite experts in their fields and to organize conferences in their professional and career fields.
  • To contribute to the development of technology, science and engineering in the local environment where Hasan Kalyoncu University is located.
  • To contribute to the technical and academic development of all students. To help club members gain knowledge, skills, experience and equipment by contributing to their academic and professional development. To design various hobby circuits, to create training courses and activities.
  • To organize training-course-conferences and to participate in congresses and conferences organized in the same way in order to inform students about career opportunities in the region by using international and domestic connections
  • To organize competitions with prizes aiming to increase education competition and quality within the school.
  • To contribute to the social and cultural development of the club members by providing a fun and sharing environment and activities. For this purpose, to create technical trips and organizations.
  • To add positive value to the development of the community students by ensuring their domestic and international interactions.