Dynamic Community | Sağlık Kültür ve Spor Müdürlüğü | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


Dynamic Community


Hasan Kalyoncu University HKU Dynamic student community was established in the fall semester of 2019. HKU Dynamic, an important brand of Hasan Kalyoncu University, has carried out a number of important activities in the field of science and technology since its establishment. HKU Dynamic student community, which produces its own national and original technologies operating in every field related to science and technology, is a student community that is growing day by day and always aims to move its members forward.


Qualified human capacity constitutes the most fundamental element of the technological self-sufficiency of a society and a country. With this belief, HKU Dynamic student community carries out studies to increase the capacity of people trained in the field of science and technology, including Hasan Kalyoncu University and our city. In this direction, our main goal is to produce our own unique and national technologies under the name of various projects and activities with interdisciplinary working methods. Giving importance to the development of our community members in the production processes and raising our teammates who will work in the project teams in the future is an unshakable return of the basic mission and visions we have adopted. It is one of our greatest goals for our community members to adopt the engineering vision and develop themselves in terms of career by exhibiting our various technologies we produce on various platforms on a national and global scale.


It is our most basic ideology to actively operate in every field where science and technology exist. Bringing our fellow students from different disciplines and departments together under a common roof, enabling our community members who are interested in science and technology to participate in technology development processes; To carry out and support initiatives, research and development, projects and activities for the production of products, systems and components that have priority to be produced nationally and originally in accordance with strategic importance, high added value or global competition conditions; Our main objectives are to bring together our community members in joint working groups, to carry out project processes with interdisciplinary working methods, to develop the entrepreneurship culture in the field of technology and to carry out various scientific and technological studies in all these areas. It is among our priorities to benefit the development of the community members through the various training programs, seminars and courses we conduct within the community, to act in an integrative structure and to grow together. We are a student community that constantly develops and loves to produce with a researcher, entrepreneurial, productive and innovative infrastructure.


As a brand of Hasan Kalyoncu University, aiming to add value, HKU Dynamic student community, with its members who love science and technology, produce their own national and original technologies, make this structure an identity that can be inherited from generation to generation for many years, and at the very bottom, it is a national and the vision of achieving success and making its name heard on various platforms on a global scale.

Board of Directors

Community Academic Advisor

Res. See. Ali Emre Ozturk

Community President

Tuna Girişken

Community Vice President

Yusuf Yılmaz



The aim of our training series is to contribute to the development of our club students. To upload an engineering vision to our members. We aim to develop our teammates who will work in our future projects through these trainings. Our trainings are online and broadcast live on certain days and times a week. At the same time, it is recorded for students who cannot participate in our course registrations. The lessons are taught by our club president Tuna Girişken and accompanied by our club manager Yusuf Yilmaz. Our training concept is the component to be used in our theoretical courses and application courses and related coding knowledge and training. In our practice lessons, we offer application and project-based trainings in our electronics workshop with HKU Dynamic.


The Career Days event provides students with the opportunity to meet with important names of the business world, as well as to create career awareness in students and to give them a perspective on this issue, to ensure that students make the right choices for internship, to contribute to their personal development processes and to make healthier choices during the post-graduation decision-making phase. is organized in order to be. In addition to conferences and panels during Career Days, students at the stands in the foyer; It has the opportunity to get to know companies, to apply for internships and jobs.


Our unmanned underwater systems project, which is a product of our group and which we are still developing, is developing its projects with 1 consultant and 10 team personnel. All team members are members of our community. Today, they continue to work in the Dynamic workshop with the various training and equipment they have acquired. My remotely operated vehicle, first of all, has the original equipment of its class, all design and production were carried out with 100% domestic facilities, it is a remote controlled underwater reconnaissance and observation vehicle. Our vehicle (ICE-1) is an advanced technology vehicle in the remote controlled autonomous underwater vehicle class. It can be used in all underwater activities such as underwater geological research, hydrographic research, archaeological research, oil-natural gas research, ship-port security. It can perform tasks such as observation, instant high-resolution video and photo capture, data collection, sampling from water or solid objects, underwater mapping in a fast and economical way.




Our AGRICULTURAL UNMANNED LAND VEHICLE project, which will be a new and developable product of our group, is developing its projects day by day with 1 consultant and 6 team personnel. All team members are members of our community. With the equipment to be researched and learned, they started working in the Dynamic workshop today, started their work and continue their studies. The unmanned land vehicle will have unique equipment in its class and discover the contributions of a robot and autonomy moving on land in the field of agriculture. It is aimed to contribute to the field of technology in agriculture, land vehicles with the ability to act remotely and autonomously. Our land vehicle is a tool developed in the field of technology in the field of weed control in agriculture and can be used completely in technology activities in agriculture.


The World Drone Cup (WDC) was held in March 2017, with the aim of bringing the discipline and respect required to this sport by looking at the UAV races as a sport, helping to train professional racers by developing this new technology in our country and ensuring that our country is represented in professional competitions held in Turkey and abroad. It is not organized in cooperation with DYD, which was established in Turkey, and Pilot Event, which directs aviation organizations in Turkey. As HKU Dynamic student community, we produce our vehicle for the world drone championship with 1 consultant and 6 team personnel. Our vehicle under construction will compete in the 2021 Teknofest platform.


One of the projects within the body of HKU DYNAMIC, rocket, aviation, space and technology issues, to raise awareness in the society, to support young people interested in these fields, to encourage young people to research on the technologies of the future and to become familiar with professional design processes, many technology competitions were held. The aim of the competition is to young people; To gain the skills to design as a team with members who have knowledge and experience in different disciplines, to conduct technical research on rocket systems and sub-components, to solve complex problems together and to make technical reporting thanks to their training. As HKU DYNAMIC, the reporting and production work carried out thanks to our mentor level colleagues in every subject continues completely. In addition, participants have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with other teams with common interests and professionals working in this field with conferences organized in cooperation with Hasan Kalyoncu University and HKU DYNAMIC before the competition, the motivation process of the team members is quickly overcome and the rocket field leads the decision-making